Saturday, December 29

'Tis the season to be jolly

Christmas is over - which only means one thing! Malapit na ang birthday ko! Yahoooooo! I love birthdays! I just feel that birthdays are special and should be celebrated. In a few days, I'll be turning 21. (Hahaha! Just kidding) I'm turning 23. I don't feel 23 at all! I still feel like I'm 18. Probably because I'm useless when it comes to chores. I can't cook but I can proudly say I can use the washing machine! Haha.  Seriously, I can't cook. I'm not sure why pero I think it's because I hate the kitchen. It's my least favorite place in the world.

Baguio - 'Cause it's mah birthday, I choose you!

Anyway, since my birthday is coming, I decided to "surprise" myself by booking a ticket to back to PH. My friends and I decided to go to Baguio this January and this was super random. We were just chatting one day of December and the next day, I was booked for PH. Thanks to budget airlines like AirAsia, Tiger Airways and Cebu Pacific for making this sudden trip happen. It truly is more fun in the Philippines. Luckily, one of my uber duper friends and my sister, paid for 2/3 of my ticket.

I haven't been to Baguio for more than half a decade already! I do not even remember how SM Baguio looks like! Everything was a blur except the tiangge where I bought a 100 peso earring. Haha! Yes I remembered that! Here's our planned itinerary for Baguio.

Day 1:
Breakfast at Cafe by the Ruins
Strawberry Picking at La Trinidad
Lunch at Cafe Sabel
Bencab Museum
Burnham Park
SM Baguio
Ukay- Ukay
Dinner at TeQuiro
Drinks at Session Road
Midnight Snack at Pizza Volante

Day 2:
Breakfast at Pinky Cafe
Camp John Hay Tree Top Adventure
Merienda at Choco-late de Batirol
Pasalubong Shopping
Dinner at 50's Diner

When my ticket was confirmed, we knew the next step. We had to Google Doc our trip for the budget and itinerary. Haha! (Google Doc is a verb now) My friend is a fan of coffee shops and she listed all the coffee shops she wanted to visit. I made sure that we could cater all her request. For me, the most interesting part of this trip is the Tree Top Adventure. I want to be dropped 60m as a baby step to becoming an adrenaline junkie. (Or at least before I visit Nepal and bungee jump) I still have a long way to go but I figured 60m, keribels yan! Hahaha!

My budget for this whole trip, believe it or not is only 2500 Pesos including accommodation. I'm not sure if I'll survive Baguio with 2500 Pesos without hunger games haha! But I'm sure it'll be awesome 'cause anyway, it would be my birthday and birthdays are always awesome! I'll post our random Baguio adventure as soon as it's over. Have a great day everyone! Smile.



Friday, December 28

On Getting Inked

A few weeks ago, I've decided to get myself inked. No, I am not doing this as a sign of rebellion to my parents - I have nothing to fight for anyway. I've decided to get inked because mainly, this point in my life is the lowest I've been and I've managed to survive it. 

This saying  (which only I would know) has brought me back to life. Although I'm still confused whether I Arabic is the right script. I'll be asking for my friend's help to write it in Hindu which could be better. What do you think?

Wednesday, December 26

Cheers to 2012 : Part I

2012 isn't my favorite year. I hate this year and I can't wait to get it over with. I have had love and heartbreaks, peace and feuds, happiness and depression. When they said that life is a cycle of ups and downs, I am a living testimony to that statement.

The year started pretty awesome. I had this new job, I had a boyfriend and I was in Hong Kong during winter. I had time to hang out and meet new awesome friends. Almost every Sunday, we went hiking to different places in Hong Kong. This is part I. 


Yes, the pictures are pretty awesome right? That's how my year started. Pretty awesome.

Saturday, December 8

Why yolo is a bad motto before shopping

I have a new addiction that I'm probably sure other women experience as well -- Online Shopping. It all started when my friend and I received an e-mail from Cotton On. Since we thought it wouldn't hurt to check it out, we did. 

On the first day, the items were "OMG"verwhelming. I bought two shoes and lingeries and my friend bought three pairs. We spent a good 3000 Php for the first day.

After a few days, we received another e-mail from Cotton On saying that the online store is holding a 30% off on ALL items. And we were like, YOLO. (You Only Live Once) I bought another two pairs and some Typo stuff while my friend bought everything from Typo to bikini tops to shoes. This time, we spent 6000 Php along with some of my sister's purchases. 

And here are some pairs I bought:

After a few days, two giant FedEx boxes appeared on my doorstep.

Call me Gadget Girl

"Kumikitang Kabuhayan" is the reason why I haven't been blogging lately. Just a month ago, I decided to invest in a business venture that I know someday would be of great help to me and my fellow Filipinos looking for cheaper items. My "Mission Vision" is not only to provide cheaper products but to sell the cheapest.

1. Gadgets

Honestly, I find the name "Gadget Girl" really catchy. Gadget girl answers to EVERY question and messages received. Since I made this page on Facebook, friends and random people have been calling me Gadget Girl and I am overwhelmed with all the nice comments and feedback I've been receiving lately. 

2. Watches

In Instagram, I am also known as Gadget Girl, but not for gadgets. I've witnessed the recent hype for Casio Vintage Watches and took advantage. Since we have a "suki" shop here in Hong Kong for almost a decade now, I've decided to get stocks from them. They gave the watches for a low price, so I also sold them for a low price. 

The hype I've received is surprisingly amazing. An hour after posting my vintage watches and its price, I received 20 orders already! I couldn't be much happier to see that all my hard work is paying off. I don't know who to thank for that but I Thank God for all the blessings I have been receiving lately.

And just when I thought this year was the worst, it's turning out to be pretty awesome. So readers, believe me when I say "Ideas are just ideas, until you turn them to reality."

Thursday, November 1

Halloween 2012 at Lan Kwai Fong

This year, my dear friends and I decided to attend LKF's halloween street party. And let my tell you, without exaggeration that the party was so jam packed that we didn't get the chance to buy drinks.

Note: If you're attending the LFK halloween street party next year, arrive early!

Anyway, I decided to dress up as Katy Perry while my friends dressed up as Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj and Jessie J.

Tuesday, October 30

The two sides of the story

I found a really touching story on the internet that I can somewhat relate to. Just wanted to share it with my non-existent readers.

There are always two sides of the story. She left for another country to pursue her career and he was left behind.

The one who left
I know this is hard. I don’t even know where to begin. I can’t seem to find the words that wouldn’t make the situation harder than it already is. Why do goodbyes have to be this hard? I love you and I have loved you from the start and I always will. But this is something I need to do. I don’t want to but I have to. It’s hard to run away from you but it’s harder to run from my responsibilities. If I had a choice, I would’ve stayed. I wouldn’t leave you. The love I had for you was greater than what I had for myself. It’s greater than all the love I had given to other guys. But isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?

Then we had our final goodbye. I thought you wouldn’t come. I was waiting for you. I was even mad because I was afraid to miss my flight. And then you came. I know you tried to put a happy face. And you did. You hugged me and I hugged you back. You drank your coffee and I ate my cake. Then I told you I had to go. While we were walking on the way to the gate, I tried my best not to cry. Then I looked at your face, your eyes for one last time and hugged you so tight that I didn’t want to let go. We kissed and said goodbye. I fell in line, and called your name. I left the line and ran to you to hug you one last time. That’s when I realized that you were the one.

The one left behind
I liked you since college. But my friend got to you first. So I let it go for three years until I couldn’t keep it anymore. I like you. I like you so much. And I could hide it anymore so I told you and we got together, finally. After graduation, you told me that you’ll be leaving. I didn’t know what to say. I had one more month to be with you before you leave. Then you asked me if I’ll miss you. Of course I will, silly girl. Why do you even need to ask that? Then you asked me how we should make the most out of the time we have left. I couldn’t answer you. I didn’t know. A month is not enough. I don’t want you to go. Why do you need to go? Can’t you just pursue your career here? I didn’t know what to feel. I’ll miss you so bad. I’ll miss your bubbly personality. I’ll miss you when you intentionally disorganize my room. I’ll miss you when you dance in the car. I’ll miss you when want to get my attention. I don’t want you to go.

Then the day was up. The day you had to leave. I don’t know what to get you. A bouquet of flower sure isn’t special. I’ll get you something that would remind you of me. I went to the mall and bought you a pillow. I’ll add a simple note. “Don’t forget me.” Then I headed my way to the airport. I called you and told you I was there already. I hugged you and you hugged back. It hurts so bad to see you go. Your face, your beautiful face. I’ll miss how I put your hair behind your ears. But you have to go. I hope you wouldn’t. But you have to. Then you called my name for one last time and I kissed you and told you how much I love you.

Both sides
We told each other that we will do everything to make it work. And we did, for a while at least.

Friday, October 26

Sandsations at Trio Beach, Hong Kong

For 22 years, I have never heard of "Trio Beach" in Sai Kung. It was not until this year that I came to know some of Hong Kong's hidden treasures. Since most people come here to tour around the city, I am here to rediscover the hidden nature parks and beaches of Hong Kong. And so I introduce to you, Trio Beach.

How to get there: From the MTR, get off at Tiu Leng Keng and look for the bus 792M at the bus terminal. Get off at Pak Sha Wan, Hiram Highway. You should see a Hebe Haven Yatch Club. Walk straight and you will get sight of a small ferry terminal. You will have to check the boat's sign if it's going to Trio Beach. The fare is usually 20hkd round trip for the boat. The boat will drop you off at Trio Beach and you have to call them to pick you up.

To give you the best idea of what the beach looks like, photos will not be filtered.

Grade: A-

Movie Diaries 001 - On Ruby Sparks

My Rating: 4.5/5
Genre: Romantic/Fantasy
Cast: Paul Dano, Zoe Kazan, Antonio Banderas, Annette Bening, Etc.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could control people around you to live up to your expectations? Yes, but it isn't always perfect. That's exactly the moral lesson of this movie.

Calvin, portrayed by Paul Dano is a writer and became known after having a novel that marked as a New York Times Best Seller. However during the first half of the movie, he found himself having a hard time to write a story that would follow the success of his previous book. He attended therapy sessions just to have someone to talk to and possibly find the cause of his so-called mental block.

Until one night, he had a strange dream about a random girl, whom he then later named and controlled as Ruby Sparks, portrayed by Zoe Kazan. When he woke up, the first thing on his mind was to write about Ruby. He became so obsessed with the idea of Ruby and suddenly Ruby appeared in his doorstep - as described exactly in his book, and yes he wasn't hallucinating.

So the question here is, would you rather live your life knowing that you are able to control someone against their own will? While Calvin manipulates Ruby's character as he pleases, he realizes that Ruby became someone she's not supposed to be. His manipulation turned Ruby in a lifeless girl without knowing what she really wants and who she really is.

At first, this may seem like this is a typical romance movie. However in the end, a lot of thought-provoking questions arise about relationships and about ourselves. It shows us that things that we wish for or dream about aren't always what they seem. There could be complications and consequences we may have foreseen that may ruin everything we dreamed of. The movie is a good example of the faults that we may  face when we overstep our limits.

Movie: 4.5/5
Story: 4.5/5
Actors: 4/5
Picture: 4.5/5

Sunday, October 21

"I'll be part of something big. It's gonna be Legen... wait for it!"

Clare Marie Ciriaco 


Tuesday, October 9

A Constant Reminder of What I should have achieved 5 years from now

I'm not the type that worries about what could happen in the future.Until tonight. What will I be in 5 years time? Would I be able yo achieve my goals? I realized that I should really be focusing on investing my money too. When I say MY, it means money I worked hard for. Money that didn't come from my parents. Right now, I have a six digit savings but is that really enough?

Of course not. But for the mean time, I'll love what I do and the rest will follow.

Friday, August 10

Unboxing: Philips CitiScape Shibuya Headphone

I won't spend 2500HKD for a headphone. Beats is overpriced. And I don't want to buy a fake one just to be 'Cool' like I did back college LOL. So instead I looked for an alternative that would fit my budget and still have style. I don't know anything about headphones. Anyway, here's what I bought for 349HKD.

Philips' CitiScape Shibuya


  • Powerful 40mm drivers deliver deep and dynamic bass
  • On-ear isolating cushions block out the city's noise
  • Knot-free cable
  • Soft headband
  • A mic for answering calls

No regrets at all! 

Thursday, August 9

Celeste and Jesse Forever Movie August 2012

I was watching E-news, waiting for 24 oras when I saw this movie. I didn't check it out at first but a friend of mine told me to watch the trailer. It's 'Like Crazy' all over again.

Wednesday, August 8

Review: MAC Prep + Prime Face Protect SPF 50

What: MAC Prep + Prime Face Protect SPF 50
Price: 290HKD ~ Php 1624

I wasn't really the makeup type cause I commuted from home to school back in college. But when I started working 9 months ago, I had to put on at least a little. I started with eyeliners - foundations - lipsticks. I needed to have the essentials first right? Anyway, one day I decided to drop by MAC's store in SOGO Causeway Bay to buy a Primer. 

The product is quite thick. It felt like applying body cream, except you apply it to the face. I'm not really sure if that's  how primers should be since this is my first time using one. The good thing about this primer is it spreads easily. Yes, thick but easily. The color of the product is white and gives a matte feel but after spreading it evenly, the color fades. After the primer, I then proceed with my MAC Studio Fix Foundation. 

Does it work? For the SPF, I sure do hope it does. There's really no way of testing it under the sun. I can't risk it. LOL But it really keeps my makeup together. I put on this primer everyday and since most of the time I'm rushing to get to work, I sweat and all. When I arrive at the office, I check my face in the mirror and voila! makeup is still there. Although they say that primers are for hiding the pores, I'm not really sure if this fits that cause my pores are totally huge and I can still see it.

Value for money. Personally, I do not find it expensive. Yes, it may be compared to other products but remember, beauty comes with a price. Chos.

Monday, August 6

My Taste in Men

There's always one question that pops out in a casual conversation. Most of the time, men are the ones asking me this. What's the question? "Ano bang gusto mo sa isang lalaki?" ("What kind of men do you like?")

Of course, my usual answer is: "Mabait siyempre" ("Someone kind of course") and "mabango" ("Someone who smells good"). Yet I am allergic to perfume.  But actually none of these fits what I really want. Yes, I know a man must be good, but that shouldn't be mentioned anymore since it's a universal fact that men should always be good. What do I want then?

When I see couples walking around me, which happens most of the time, I kind of wonder how the guy she's holding hands with have proven his love to her? Has he given her gifts? Has he taken her to Prague? Has he introduced her to his family? And sometimes, I thought, I wanna go to Praguetoo. I want to receive gifts. I know I'm not into flowers but yes, I want to at least experience how it feels like. Then maybe I'll get to like it.  I want to be introduced and know that This Guy is not ashamed to be with me. He is not ashamed to tell His parents that "Yes, mom I  have a girlfriend and she's awesome".

I probably want someone who will make me feel secured. Someone I know who'll be there whenever a storm comes. Someone who'll come to me, dripping wet just to even ask me if I'm okay or bring me take-out from Mcdonald's. Then maybe I'll just hug him and kiss him.

When you come to think of it, it doesn't really matter is he's handsome or not. I mean seriously, what am I gonna do with all that beauty in his face? And thinking about having a super hot/handsome boyfriend is already driving me insane. With all the girls looking at him while we eat, walk and talk. Come on, it's causing me a headache already. Just imagine when we're at the beach.

Long story short, I just want a normal guy, with no extraordinary powers but to make me feel special. I'm sure that's what every girl wants right?


Wednesday, August 1

Fashion Purchase 001

Starting today, I am gonna post as much as I can. For my first fashion post, I am going to share what I bought during the sale.

If you are close to me, you'll know that I am very thrifty. I don't really buy what's not necessary. And if I do, it's probably on SALE. I don't really care about the brand as long as it's comfy. Same goes for bags and shoes.

So here's what I bought:

Animal Printed Top at H&M for: 70HKD ~ 377.2510 PHP
which I wore to the epic party last June 30, 2012.  

Open Toe Flats at H&M for: 50HKD ~ 269.4650 PHP 
These are really comfy! I always go for flats. Always. 

Simple Black Top at H&M for: 50HKD ~ 269.4650 PHP
Very simple and plain. I'm not a fan of printed shirts. I always buy the basic stuff.


Saturday, July 7

Gun shooting 101 @ Stronghand Shooting Range

I was visiting dealgrocer and stumbled upon a coupon for gun shooting. So sabe ko "Why not try it?" The coupon costs 1250 Php with basic lesson and 20 bullets. 

When:  July 3, 2012
Where: Stronghand Shooting Range @ E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave QC
What: Gun shooting
Who: My instructor was Sir Peachy Llige

The place has a great ambiance. It doesn't feel like you're in a shooting range talaga since may cafe sa loob. The restrooms are super clean and the people at the desk are nice.

The coffee shop.

Shooting Range

The classroom.

Step 1: Basic Gun Shooting Lesson

According to Sir Peachy, there are 4 important points when it comes to gun handling
  • Careful where you point your gun
  • Check if gun is loaded at least thrice
  • Know what's behind your target too
  • Keep your finger off the trigger!

I was able to learn 3 guns, a single action revolver, an automatic caliber 45 and the last one, I forgot. I wasn't able to take pictures of the guns because I was too focused on the lesson.

Step 2: Actual Shooting
So after the class, they handed me a toolbox with my chosen gun, a caliber 45, with 20 bullets, ear muffs and glasses. The instructor even asked me "Babae ka ba talaga? Kasi bihira ang babaeng caliber 45 agad."  which I usually take as a compliment because I don't like being a girly girl.

I really wish I had everything on tape! Anyway, I'm planning to sign up for their membership naman so I'll be seeing and trying more guns! 

The whole experience was awesome. 101% awesome. It made me feel na I can do anything. At first, it was scary but in the end, I Kind Of (Not 100%) felt more comfortable. Sa uulitin!

Bucket List : Mt. Pinatubo's Crater

[ x ] Walk to the crater of a volcano - Done!

Since I will  be in the Phils. for 5 days, I bought a coupon from Ensogo for Mt. Pinatubo along with 4 of my friends. The coupon costs 998 Php for the tour.

Other fees:
Bus from Cubao to Capas, Tarlac: 172 Pesos (One way) x 2
Transfer from Capas to Mt. Pinatubo base: 300 Pesos
Government fee for Mt. Pinatubo: 300 Pesos
Lunch: Bring your own

Total: 1942 Pesos

If you are commuting to Capas, take Dagupan Bus in Cubao kasi they have trips every hour after 12AM to Capas.  When you reach Capas, a 4x4 jeep will take you to the base of Pinatubo. And from here, you would need to hike.

What I wore:  White shirt, shorts and rubber shoes.

Hindi advisable ang rubber shoes kasi may daraanan kayong limpak limpak na tubig at bato. It is better to wear something Crocs-like so you can remove the small stones easily. To give you a better picture of what to expect:

At the crater, the view is breathtaking. Lahat ng pagod namin paakyat, nawala.

The path to the top is usually wet, so I suggest wear sandals para hindi mabasa yung shoes niyo. I wore a pair of rubber shoes kasi that's what I brought back to Ph.

Our group photo before leaving the crater.

Hindi lang siya matubig kundi mabato din.

Goodbye pinatubo crater! See you again soon!
Did you know? 
According to kuya tour guide ng PDC, 42KMS deep ang water sa crater.

Saturday, June 2

8 Signs a "Friend" is a Social Climber accd to

According to there are 8 ways to see if you have a social climber friend.

 1) She's Status Driven - The individual makes friends based on whom another person knows or what another person has.

"Wow, may porsche tong si girlaloo. I-friend ko nga ito para kapag makikiride ako Porsche."

2) She's a Name Dropper - They can't resist telling you about the important people they know, or the important person someone they know knows. They're eager to find out the names of people you know who fits that profile, too.

"Hey you, yes you! Alam mo bang friends kami ni Ano. Oh anong say mo don?"

3) She's Overly Concerned with Appearances - These individuals go to great lengths to look like "they belong" and make sure that you and other people they hang out with do, too. They flaunt designer labels and attention-drawing accessories proudly.

"Hey you, anong fake ka jan? Kapal ng fez mo. This is a Chanel bag. Poorlita ka, Lacoste ka lang."

4) She's a Selective Friend Poacher - If you introduce them to someone in your social circle, they may hijack the friendship to get closer to a more important or accomplished person than you.

"Wow naman, girl. Alam mo ba si Ano di masyadong type yang japorms mo. Baduyish daw. Buti pa ako, i love your designer clothes. Sisterettes forever!"

5) She's a User - They try to use your accomplishments and/or connections for their own benefit. The intensity and persistence of their approach goes well beyond what might be called appropriate "social networking."

"Hey girl, friend ko itong is blank. We both like cruising along the Carribean. Maybe we should go together samtayms."

6) She Lacks Empathy - They accumulate "friends" in large numbers who they really don't know well or don't connect with on an intimate level. In general, they tend to be narcissistic and self-centered.

"I hab so many fwends out there. Hmmm, sino ba pede ayain dito sa mga poorlitang to magmall there in the Greenbelt."

7) She's Unreliable - They wait until the last minute to confirm or cancel a social invitation in case they receive a better offer.

"Hay nako, girl di ako sure. Baka kasi I have a dinner party with the you know who. Talo ka dun, girl. Mas mayaman yun so k thanks bye."

8) She's a Queen Bee - They try to control social circles and have no qualms about dumping, substituting and excluding a "friend" from the group. They may resort to belittling and gossiping to get the job done.

"Hoy ikaw, paki kamot my super flawless back na pinakinish ko pa with Belo powers. Ayaw mo? Fayn. Get out there. "


Thursday, May 31

Sales Lady Experience

Tagalog Post

Lahat tayo for sure, mapamayan man or hindi, nakaexperience na ng HORROR stories and FUNNY stories with some sales lady. Although hindi ko sila nilalahat, marami parin ang talagang MASUNGIT at napakaasim ng mukha pagpasok mo palang sa store.

My experience 1: CD-R King ng maraming beses
Ibang level ang sales lady dito. Ubod na nga ng bagal, ubod pa ng sungit. Bibili sana ako ng DVD-R para sa munting shop namin. So pumili ako, bilang isang masunuring bata. Nung ako na ang susunod sa isang lalaki, hiningi ng sales lady ang number ko.

Sales lady: Mam, number po.
Ako: Anong number?
Sales lady: Yung may number na kayo ang susunod.
Ako: Wala ng laman yung nandun e.
Sales lady: Pila nalang po kayo ulit. (E ubod ng haba ang  pila!)
Ako: Di ba pedeng ako na kasi pumila na ako?
Sales lady: Di pede (with matching irap ng mata)
Ako: Ay ganun, kapag lalake pede, ako bawal? 

Biglang sa next customer ang atensyon. Di ko alam kung dahil lalaki ba ung nasa likod ko or pogi ba kaya di na ako pinansin pero badtrip lang. At ako'y umalis sa CD-R King.

My experience 2: 168 Mall - Divisoria
Noong nagpunta kami dito kasama ang best friend ko nung highschool, mayroon kaming nakakatawang experience sa sales lady. Dahil divisoria nga ang aming pinuntahan, at siyempre uso ang tawaran sinubukan naming tumawad.

Ako & bestfriend: Magkano po ito? (Tsinelas na pekeng havaianas)
Sales lady: php xxx po ate
Ako & bestfriend: Wala nabang tawad?
Sales lady: Bat kita papatawarin? May kasalanan kaba? 
Ako & bestfriend: Tawa all the way.

My experience 3: Sa lahat ng malls sa buong bansa siguro
Kadalasan kapag ako'y nagtutungo sa mall, galing akong iskwela at siyempre gusgusing bata ako palagi dahil sa commute. So pagdating ko ng mall at mayroon gustong bilin, ang nakakatawa ay

tuwing papasok ako ng store, halos buong sales lady team ay nakabantay sakin. biglang tanong "Maam, gusto niyo po?" "Maam bagay po yan sa inyo" "Maam sale po yan" "Maam sukat niyo na po" "Maam meron po kaming offer" "Maam anong size po" "Maam para sa inyo po?" "Maam bilin niyo na po" UTANG na loob, tumahimik ka at layuan mo ako.

My experience 4: Pabango guys sa Trinoma
Yung tipong papasok ka palang ssprayan ka bigla? Badtrip much.

Other stories i found online in Pinoy exchange

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Tuesday, May 29

3 Grammar Mistakes I see on Facebook almost everyday

I'm not perfect and so are you, I understand. I am kind of confused why people usually make these mistakes when typing - or - texting these words.

1. Your and You're

Your is an an adjective that signifies possession or something that belongs to the second person.

Your pen dropped.
Hello, what's your name?

Your so beautiful.                

You're is a contraction of "You are", short for YOU ARE.

if you use this in the previous example:

You're beautiful.

Youre pen dropped = You are pen dropped.
Hello, what's youre name? = Hello, what's you are name?

Use it correctly!

2. They're vs. There vs. Their

 Again, They're is a contraction of "They are", short for THEY ARE.

They're going to the mall.
They're planning to invest today.

There is used to point to a certain place.

That's my office over there.
There is a great restaurant beside the supermarket.

Their is a pronoun signifying possession for plural.

Their dog is cute.
He liked their show.

3. It's vs. Its

It's, for the third time is a contraction of "It is" or "It has"

It's been a long time!
It's on the desk beside my mug.

I saw The Avengers during it's premiere night = I saw The Avengers during it is        premiere night.

Its is used for showing possession.

I saw The Avenger during its premiere night.

Note: I sometimes make these mistakes too.

Saturday, May 5

100 Things to do before I die

So I was really bored and decided to create a bucket list of the things I should do before I die, which I am determined to achieve btw.  I decided to merge three list from the web which I find interesting. The first one is from Once life and the other from Grant Thorpe, a business life coach and mentor.

[ ] Swim with a dolphin
[ ] Learn to play a musical instrument
[ ] See a lunar eclipse
[ ] Cook a fresh fish over a fire and eat it
[ ] Sleep under the stars 
[ ] Touch a tiger 
[ ] Learn to juggle with three balls 
[ ] Go on an indian safari and see the Taj Mahal
[ ] Give to a charity 
[ ] Make love on the kitchen floor
[ ] Create your own website
[ x ] Walk to the crater of a volcano 
[ ] Learn to bartend
[ ] Visit the Holy Land
[ ] Have your portrait painted
[ ] Tell someone the story of your life, sparing no details
[ ]  Attend at least one major event, The Olympics , The World Cup
[ ]  Learn to speak a foreign language 
[ ] Be a member of the audience in a TV show
[ ]  Shower in a waterfall
[ ]  Be someone's mentor 
[ ]  Make love on a forest floor
[ ] Fly first class
[ ] Go whale watching
[ ]  Spend new years eve on times square
[ ]  Learn to surf
[ ] Participate in a protest
[ ] Be debt free
[ ]  Have a coffee on the sidewalk of Paris 
[ ] Teach someone illiterate to read
[ ]  Accept yourself for who you are
[ ]  Send a message in a bottle 
[ ] Do a Bungee Jump
[ ] Spend the whole day eating junk food without feeling guilty
[ ] Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day without having gone home.
[ ]  Ride a camel into the desert 
[ ]  Walk the great wall of China
[ ] Spend the whole day naked
[ ] Learn to ballroom dance properly

[ ] Watch every James Bond film
[ ] Sing along in a music store
[ ] Turn your mobile off for a week
[ ] Blow one month's wages on shoes
[ ] Go on a holiday with no luggage
[ ] Meditate for three hours in one sitting 
[ ] Get re-married in Vegas (If this is possible)
[ ] Skinny dip at midnight 
[ ] Make fire the old fashioned way  
[ ] Create an online alter ego
[ ] Learn to throw a boomerang 
[ ] Ride a giant roller coaster
[ ] Take pole dancing lessons
[ ] Give a homeless person your lunch 
[ ] View a house you can't afford
[ ] Go trekking, carrying all your gear
[ ] Go to a bedding store in your PJs
[ ]  Cut your own hair
[ ] Leave a note on a windscreen
[ ] Build a giant sand castle
[ ] Wear a fancy dress for a whole day
[ ] Spend one hour in a lift
[ ] Get your fotune told
[ ] Make a baby laugh
[ ] Make love on the beach 
[ ] Send flowers for no reason at all
[ ] Watch the sun rise
[ ] Watch the sun set
[ ] Take a day off on your birthday
[ ] Walk through knee deep mud
[ ] Have a night at the ballet
[ ] Take evening classes with a friend
[ ] Take a tap dancing lesson
[ ] Smile at 100 strangers
[ ] Do a first aid course
[ ] Google yourself 
[ ] Fast for 48 hours
[ ] Give blood
[ ] Write to your favourite author
[ ] Walk a marathon
[ ] Contact your childhood sweetheart
[ ] Pretend to be invisible
[ ] Buy some outrageous sunnies 
[ ] Make a kite and fly it
[ ] Test drive a car you can't afford

[ ] Try speed dating
[ ] Jump off a cliff into the ocean
[ ] Visit the Grand canyon
[ ] Go to Vatican City
[ ] Plant a tree
[ ] Learn to belly dance
[ ] Make your own movie 
[ ] Attend a music festival
[ ] Dance in the pouring rain
[ ] Read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
[ ] Go Camping
[ x] Smoke a joint
[ ] Go snowboarding or skiing
[ ] Learn to do a standing somersault
[ ] Throw a huge party for all your friends
[ ] Visit the Pyramids of Egypt 

Challenge accepted. Bucket list completion starts now. If you want proof of every item on this list, I will upload them to my youtube account:

Monday, February 6

Big Wave Beach

Getting there: Big Wave Beach is located near Shek - O, but on the other side. In order to get there, you would need a car because the bus doesn't stop at Big Wave. But if you really want to visit this beach, you can take Bus No. 9 from Shau Kei Wan, and stop at Shek - O then take a taxi.

At the beach: Living up to its name, Big wave is the destination known for surfing here.  Last week, we went here to have a picnic. It was winter so we were not able to swim even though I badly wanted to jump to the water. However, there were still people who went swimming and surfing. On the left side of the beach, there is a trail that you can follow to get to the top and see the whole view. Although it is not recommended because it could be dangerous for some. But I had to go because I just couldn't miss to see how beautiful the sea is.

What's good about it? : Not just this beach, but all beaches here are ABSOLUTE FREE and with lifeguards. Back in RP I remembered, they wouldn't even let us walk near the beach because you have check - in at their hotel before getting full access. I mean, really? (Sa inyo na yan? Oh sige inyong inyo na. Haha)

What to do: Of course, there's the usual bbq place where you can cook. A playground for kids. A beach for surfing. And lastly, restaurants for  EATING.  The idea of surfing sounds fun, so I guess i'll give it a try this summer.

That's about it. Adios.

"Kapag may mali ako sa grammar, pakisabi so that I could learn. I won't mind :) "